UTech, ACRM reach agreement

On June 17, 2015 The African Cultural Renaissance Movement (ACRM) met with Ambassador Burchell Whiteman, Acting President of the University of Technology, Jamaica (UTech) to discuss ACRM’s issues concerning our building. Agreements coming from that discussion were;

1.       The demolition of ACRM’s building was delayed
2.       A new building will be provided for the ACRM to relocate to

The University will assist with storage while ACRM’s new building is constructed. 

ACRM extends sincere gratitude to both past and present members of ACRM and the Photography club, the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), the President of the UTech Student’s Union Darrian McGhann as well as the media for all their efforts in helping us to secure such a positive outcome.  We look forward to even greater achievements as we seek to inform the student community, and neighbouring areas about our African Cultural Heritage for their continued development.

Rowen A. Johnson
Public Relations Officer

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