The African Cultural Renaissance Movement, a Student organization at the University of Technology, Jamaica dedicated to raising social and cultural awareness for the plight of the oppressed, the exploited and those under extreme duress would like to release the following Public Service Announcement.
Amidst the recent suicide by a member of the Police Force, as well as the gratuitous violence aimed at our Nation's Cops, the African Cultural Renaissance Movement (ACRM) alongside budding poet Rowen Antoine has sought to give a voice to those Officers who may be suffering silently, so as to encourage them to seek help instead of resorting to taking their own lives. ACRM also aims to spark the support of the public for these noble men and women who put all on the line to defend our State.
ACRM recognizes that the members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, face a very difficult task of trying to maintain order amidst stifling economic constraints, compounded by the severe drought conditions affecting our country. They not only face the threat of being killed by criminals but also succumbing to the immense pressure and despair that they experience on a daily basis.
Therefore, ACRM calls on the Jamaican Public to stand in solidarity with the members of our Police Force, doing what we can to guarantee their protection and offering moral support, as they go about ensuring our safety.
Suicide Cop
Yesterday I saw the corpse of a child
Bloodied, raped. Left
in the bushes to die
Man can be savages,
gruesome and wild
That’s the only
reason I can see why
They prey on our
innocent, hunt our weak
Like Lions chasing
down defenceless meat
And many more I know
will die this week
I pray our saviour,
their souls will meet
For though I pledged
to serve and to protect
See, a single life I
have yet to save
So when I look at
things in retrospect
Am I not the reason
they’re in their graves
I only want for these
voices to stop
Help me please, Dear
Pastor, Suicide Cop.
Rowen Antoine
Rowen A. Johnson
Public Relations Officer
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