Kevaughn Fraser’s Solution to World Violence || Kevaughn Fraser’s Vent Law

President of the United States of America Barack Obama

The solution to ending global violence is to first understand that no one was born evil, they were taught evil. A baby who cries is the most rational of beings as they know no fear, they know no culture, they are the human origin they learn everything from what they are taught (nature nurture) by instincts, senses, people and environment. Therefore, World Violence can be solved simply through the shedding of tears equal to regulating the brain to complete rationality. Good is rational human acceptance while Evil is irrational human acceptance.  Humans need to know how to cry because it does a lot more than we think; crying allows the brain to regulate to normal rational processing. We become violent or irrational when we store feelings negatively, feelings are the brain’s response to accepted thoughts or experience; they differ in intensity based on the experience or thought. From the beginning of earthly human existence we were taught to be tough through adapting to the environment in its primitive stage, the early alpha male were the ones who displayed the least emotions, in other words, they were taught to store feelings. Have you recognized the trend? Ok I’ll go further, All great wars are based on indifferences cause by negative feelings, the leaders became irrational by choosing violence and as a result scores of lives have been lost all based on the root cause of the brain making an irrational choice. (Which for example explains why Egypt and other empires fell, an empire built on irrationalities will destroy any empire built on rationalities. Thus the outcome of today’s society, the clear great divisions of land and people).

Why are most women so caring and are most times always the ones not to choose fatal violence (“don’t go to war my love”)? It’s because they cry when negative feelings presents itself which rationalizes their actions and decisions. On the other hand most of today’s males store negative feelings (developing in built anger and aggression) causing the brain not to function at its normal processing (Males who have already been taught to release negative feelings are the most rational, inversely, a woman whom stores negative feelings beyond bearable levels will be irrational).
Most descendants of the enslaved bare grudges against their predating masters’ descendants. These are all negative feelings cultured in the descendants of the previously enslaved. As a result, who bares these grudges are no longer the most rational humans as their brains are not at normal processing.

Humans feel the sensations of feeling in the chest, however, the tear gland is located not at the chest but next to the brain which indicates it is a venting mechanism designed for the brain to release the accumulation of feelings to regulate the brain to normal processing. Prime examples: “love makes us do stupid things”, “I love you so much that it makes me cry”, “being so deeply In love the heartbreak made me cry,” “Oh my god my parents whom I intensely loved just died, I instantly burst into tears”, “crying makes the ‘pain’ go away when we have lost a loved one”. These mental instabilities are caused solely by the build-up of feelings. It is a fact that the human brain is not at normal processing during the accumulation of feelings.

The human mind has natural frequency which emits electromagnetic waves which attracts alternate beings, it has destructive interference when “negativities” contacts the brain and it has constructive interference to resonance when contacted by “positivities.” Alternate beings or angels and demons as the common reference, negativities are attracted to storage of negative feelings and “positivities” are attracted to positive feelings, they are ultimately responsible for good (rational) and bad (irrational) outcomes of life.

Please note that this is only relative to human to human interactions as we destroy lands, kill vegetation and animals leisurely and to survive. We coexist with what we can’t consume, thus, human rationality is based on human survival and not based on other species of life. Most do not coexist positively with the earth, the more advanced we become to date is the more irrational we’ve become to the planet. For example, most care not for the melting ice caps of the north and south poles which regulates inhabitable climate for our fragile human bodies which will gradually roast the more we destroy the earth’s shield from “ULTRA-VIOLENT RAYS”, ask Venus. Humans are so caught up in existing that they have betrayed nature in rationality. We will be consumed by the consequences when the earth chooses to become “IRRATIONAL”, unlike humans we use tears, the tears of the earth shall erase human existence, that is what we’ll come to know as the true JUDGEMENT OF HUMANITY.

Start crying today for your own good, some will have many tears to shed depending on how deeply engrained the negative feelings are, start the new age of the rational humans, then and only then will we have WORLD PEACE.
  • “Crying is the key to world peace; world peace is the invitation to true out-worldly experiences

Kevaughn Fraser’s Vent Law

 “Whenever a brain stores negative feelings above manageable capacity, the most rational result is never produced.”

“Fatal irrationalities occurs when negatively stored feelings exceeds the mental breaking point in an instantaneous moment with great assistance from negativities (devils touch).”

Source: Analysis of the observation of 25 years of life  

 Exemption from law: Humans with serious mental disabilities and illnesses

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