New UTech, JA President brings optimism, belief to despondent student body

Published: Friday | January 20, 2017 | Rowen A. Johnson

From the Office of the Vice President, African Cultural Renaissance Movement (A.C.R.M.)

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He spoke for no more than 15 minutes, but for what followed, he likely could not have been adequately prepared, as newly appointed President Amb. Stephen Vasciannie for over an hour, deflected a barrage of complaints from the seemingly perpetually frustrated students of the UTech, Ja community. Amb. Vasciannie was officially addressing the student body for the first time, who had gathered yesterday in the Caribbean Sculpture Park to appraise and assess the man charged with leading our institution for at least the next three years.

A student friendly president
As he sat perched on the edge of the stage, Amb. Vasciannie was charming, humble, and at times humourous in his speech, and his intentions to appear approachable and as one who was truly sympathetic towards the struggles of the students, came off very natural. He shared that he wants to be remembered as a student friendly President, and credited Deputy President Professor Colin Gyles, who up until December had acted in his position for this example.

University of No Technology
Amb. Vasciannie also spoke of the challenges with which the University are now plagued. Of note, are the technological inefficiencies such as the unreliable Wi-Fi connectivity, as well as the intolerable downtime of the online student portal, which prevents students from selecting their modules. These have been the bane of student existence at UTech, Ja and has caused the institution to earn the unwanted distinction of being called the “University of No Technology.”

Only 1 in 10 students completes evaluation
Amb. Vasciannie also echoed the comments of his predecessor that the UTech, Ja will be seeking institutional accreditation. Accreditation however, he went on to say, does require honest feedback, which will be sought from both staff and students. Internally also, this evaluation is of first importance to UTech, Ja as it will assist in them making the institution better. Amb. Vasciannie therefore, expressed his disappointment with the fact that students were not participating enough in the process of providing feedback, sharing that "only 1 out of every 10 students take the time to complete the forms for the evaluation of lecturers."  Unless the students make their voices heard, then the University will not know how to address their concerns.

Amb. Vasciannie stated that his vision for UTech, Ja, is for this institution to be a happy and intellectually stimulating environment, and under his leadership with the guidance too of his deputy, Prof. Gyles there is optimism already of the positive outcome that their stewardship may bring.

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